Oreo and Cookie

Isn't Oreo just the prettiest cat you've ever seen???

And Oreo knows who runs our family and who's the most important!!


We lost Cookie on December 31, 2010

Here are some pictures of the Best Dog Ever

He was the sweetest "Cookie" in the world!
The girls call this picture his "chubby" picture!
He would always get big "hips" in the Winter but he always lost it during the
Summer when he could run and play outside!

He loved his "baby" and he loved to be petted!!

You can teach an old dog new tricks!

Cookie learned to get the newspaper in the last few years of his life.
He learned it so quickly - he already had experience fetching balls so it wasn't to hard for him to learn.
He still got the paper almost up until the end but he started huffing and puffing a lot!
Sunday paper was the hardest!

Cookie was always willing to do anything to please!! Oreo on the other hand was not a happy camper!!

We miss you Cookie!!