Our first experience with the Bazaar was at the Bazaar-e-Bozorg (Big Bazaar).
It started at one end of Khomeini Square and I guess it goes on and on.
We spend a lot of time looking in the bazaar but we barely got past the starting area.

The owners of the little shops would show us how they made their craft.
This man was an artist who does miniatures. His work was beautiful!

This shop spent time showing us the different quality of Persian Carpets.
I learned that Iran makes its own silk. I loved the silk carpets!
They simply glowed! They weren't as heavy as the other carpets either.
But the price was a lot higher!

We have a lot of Persian tablecloths at home but they mean a lot more to me
now that I've seen them being made! Shireen is holding our purchase!

This is the man showing us how they print on the tablecloths. The ones he is printing
still has to go back to the river to be boiled and the color set before the process is done.